Playing around at the soccer field, my creature started to get pretty tired... So he lays down to take a nap. On top of the whole field. Smashing one of the goal posts and crushing some of the players.
Well, not really a behavioural thing, but I recently tried the Eve Lion skin, and my creature walked around with his eyeballs sitting several yards away from his (her?) head, which I found very entertaining, and laughed.
During a skirmish game against one god, I send my Leopard to the enemy's village to attack it of course, then after some serious damage the enemy's creature thought it would be best fighting against mine, which was not.
After my creature has won the fight he went on to attack the temple but then the other Leopard challenged me again... not for a creature fight no... IT WAS A DANCE BATTLE.
(Both had the aggressive leash attached to each other)
Yeah some dancing and kissing later the actual creature fight has started, but the end was either way epic, odd and random or maybe all of it, because both collapsed simultaneously. :shocked
:laugh2 :woot Oh, man. That is the best story in a while. I've had my creature do a dance-off with Nemesis's creature before when Nemesis's creature challenged him to a fight, but that's because my creature was at that time both angelic and nonviolent (she is now very violent and picks fights all the time). And my creature is also a leopard.
BW1 - My lion Bashiok who is angelic loves to collect rocks in his pen. Once he collected too many rocks, until he couldnt get out of his pen.. he got really frustrated so he started shooting fireballs at his rocks, and they started to damage the temple and he kept catching on fire! Ive since then taught him not to bring back rocks.. he now collects mushrooms.