What is THE funniest thing(s) your creature does

my creature juts stands there when anything is under attack with fireballs, and looks at it intently, waiting for it to burn to the ground. he then walks up to it and casts a water miracle on the ruins.
In B&w 2 my ape likes to eat those exploding Barrels, he even likes to eat his own poo  :suspect
And my Wolf always dances before he kills someone
My wolf always liked to bring things home, and I would scold him for it because it wasted time. However, one time he wanted to bring home a piece of poo which he had befriended. I just couldn't bring myself to scold him that time. :laugh2 I have taken a screen cap of this, BTW.

Heck, that wolf was generally very odd. The stories he told villagers were so detailed. Reading his mannerisms, I could have sworn he was telling them about the time I accidentally set him on fire for trying bring home a tree.
in BW2 my creature had a very small colon, so he could only eat a small amount before he got full. he would create more poo than i could keep track of, and eventually i tied him up in his creature pen.

another time, in the first japanese land, i left him sleeping and built a metropolis around him while he slept. he was so big he couldnt move and spent the rest of the land in his pen, unable to move, and starving. but he lived.
I recently had my leopard in its pen, in Land 2. I accidentally a gigantic wonder blocking the pen, but, since my creature was extremely good and had been taught to revere wonders, she cast fire at the temple until the wonder burned down. It was actually terrible and frustrating, but the roundabout way to clear the path and grasp of the temple mechanics were amusing.

(Though it is a leopard, this is the most well-educated and good-aligned creature I've ever raised, and is now approaching its 200th year, mainly because I let it run skirmish games by itself every so often--It's been taught to destroy enemy temples after taking all the towns, and is good at micromanagement aside from buildings (obviously). Because it is a leopard, I'm also always nervous that it will turn evil in the middle of the night, but so far it is of a consistently angelic nature.)
its annoying when you start the game in BW2 and your creature poos on all your villagers, except only one man and one woman. (bet they had fun :p) ive had to restart the game on five occasions because of this. :(
i punished my creature by casting a volcano wonder underneath him. but he still doesnt get the point. :angry
Yesterday, in B&W1 I showed my tiger how to cast the healing miracle with a gesture, and he went to show me that he can do it either. First, he picked up a villager and threw him away. He went to the sea, stopped at the end of the island. He started to cast the miracle into the sea! After the healing of the water was done he pooed a tree and walked away. After a good laugh, I realised that the villager he threw away a few sec. ago was in the water!  :yes :shocked (Sorry for my bad english, I'm trying)
My tiger thoroughly enjoys walking through any fire he casts.  It's rather annoying, because he's too stupid to learn the water miracle and put the flames out. He usually dies from the burns before he reaches the sea.  But it is funny when he runs around all covered in flames and sets entire villages on fire. Oddly, he's the first creature I've had that actually caught something I threw at it!  It was a tree, and after he caught it he just stared and pointed at me.  Weird.

I've taught Rocky (he loves to play with rocks) to eat teddybears, dice, beachballs, and stones, too.  And you thought Anglosaxon was evil! :devil
in BW1 my leopard took a tree, ran all over the place with it and then started hitting villagers with it as in a baseball game... :laugh2
Hm... I find that...

Moderate. Personally, I'm a fan of my one evil creature (an ape) that would set its poo on fire and throw it at villagers.
B & W 1 -

COW- once my cow throw a rock at lethys town and his wolf was watching it,  then lethys wolf got the rock back, he like sayd my creature to follow him and them the wolf threw the rock at my town and sayd to my COW( paunchy ) to do the same, my creature poo on a three throw the rock at lethys ( the lighning sparks ) and came back to my town, catch his own poo throwed at the wolf, then the wolf ate it  :p

TIGER- once in the last land my tiger start eating a lot and whn he started pooing alot he catches his poo and throw it at Nemesis and his creature, then nemesis creatures gets mad and throw his own poo back :D

once he teached khazar creatures to catch rocks, throw the rocks at kazars buildings and then catch the buildings runs and throw then at the enemys XD

B & W 2- my lion once called the aztec gorilla in last land and 'teached' him to throw water on my buildings that where on fire, wen the gorilla learn't it he gave his old teddy (he prefer the vodoo  gave him in the japanese first land), and when the enemy cast the volcano epic my creature throw the alive enemy's troops one by one in the volcano :D

my second lion liked to protect guys like the one in the first page,  in the last norse land the enemy creature ate his protected and then he got mad and started to throw his own poo, and then the enemy creature cathed it and they started playing  :laugh2
How do you get your creatures to act so... unusual in B&W2?! Mine are always robots, even with their free will turned all the way up!

But in B&W1, I have had MANY silly creatures! One liked to take this one tree to his pen, take a rock out of his pen, and put it where the tree was. He did this each day, swapping their positions. When I moved the rock, and hid it, he looked at me all angry, and fireballed my temple! I had another, a tiger, who liked to sneak up on lethy's creature, heal it, and run away as fast as he could! He was a strange one... My one and only cow was EVIL as can be, ate my villagers, stomped my buildings, helped lethys, attacked Khazar, trees, my fishermen, anything I WANTED to keep... Bad, bad bad BAD COW! My sister's tiger, she didn't know how to train him, and managed to convince him to throw trees at everything, and water her VILLAGERS, when she had been trying for the opposite.
Aquaticus said:
How do you get your creatures to act so... unusual in B&W2?! Mine are always robots, even with their free will turned all the way up!

my creatures are the same. in BW2 there are like robots. they dont do half the stuff the creatures did in BW1.

In BW1 my creature always liked to decorate his pen. he planted a few trees in there and placed a few rocks. when ever i put grain infront of his pen for breakfast he would eat half of it and stockpile the rest. My creature in BW1 always created deciples when they were needed but in BW2 he never did any of that.

i liked how you taught your creature in bw1. having to catch you creature in the act and telling thats a bad thing to do and needing to be there for your creature. in bw2 you just click on what you want him to do after he has done it and tell him its good or bad. i dont seem to be as involved in my creature life in bw2 as i am in bw1
I had just started playing and I had a brand spankin' new Ape, and Sable had just told me to feed him, I gave him a little grain, then she told me about the leash, he goes out of the pen and then he poo's,
and then the second thing he ate ever (!!!!) was his own poo!  :laugh2
Later with the same creature, who at the time was on land 3 fighting Chugworth on his own,
was just standing there as the Wolf continually hit/struck him on the stomach. :shocked
Land 1 with my Gorilla, I had already smacked him once for eating a person and a while later in the Norse village I gave him a person and he holds it and then goes ahead and eats her so I punish him 100%
and I gave him another person and he and I did the same 4 more times till I finally stopped giving him people.
If any body wants the messed up creature mind I'm willing to add it to the creature minds.  :laugh2
Also, on land 1 with another Ape, I was trying to make him stay in his pen, so I put a singing stone in front of his pen or maybe it was in his pen - I don't recall anyway he kicked it out,  it's funny either way!
Well, in B&W 1, my newly Turtilificatified'd (Yes, I HAD to do that! XD) Ape has decide to help the villagers.

By supplying them with food.

In the form of villagers.

And throwing them into their village store.

Very, very carefully! XDDD
My tiger, Crazy, used to take my artifacts and carry them up that mountain in the first land, ((The one where the Guide dies,)) and throw them. I slapped him every time, but he kept doing it. *Shrugs.*

He used to do the same thing with any tree I planted, to. He'd be content to throw the ones I left alone at my villagers, but if I picked one of those trees up and replanted it, he'd act angry, carry it up there, and throw it straight into the sea!

One time, he started getting fat, so I started making him pick up progressively larger rocks and carry them all the way around the island. After a few days of this, he waited until he got to that peninsula that's outside of my influence, and threw the rock away! Crazy tiger...
Well, I thought he was on Land 1 because the miracle of discussion was food.
You can only get Water Food Well and or Lightning on land 1.
But then again isn't the Food miracle a pretty basic one?
So, yes, Ampersand could very well be in any story mode land, even Creature Isle!
By mistake I double posted!  :sorry
I thought it didn't post but I ended up posting in this topic to!