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Extreme Growth Map 1.0.0

ok, this map is good and everything. very nice. but i can't play any other maps after i installed it. none of the retail skirmish maps or any downloaded ones. it loads like, halfway and then crashes to the desktop. can anyone help?
ok so i downloaded it and everything and went onto the skirmish thing then clicked on extreme growth but an error came up and it closed the window. i out the dance.lnd file in the rite place and read the readme file. i dont know wats wrong
I cant find the file you specifie! Can you please help because This map sounds awesome!
Any way to make my creature NOT go and throw around the animals randomly?
Its just a skirmish map . Particular  problems are of your making. 
Animals  are provided  as food  if he wants to play with them and you don't  want him to,  then just delete  the animals  from the script , punish him  for  playing  or just  ask for  a modified version.
The absolute minimum  version  is a bit  faster  with no toys and  no animals  is  a bit faster  but some creatures went mad in testing.
I have only a short time  so....
Unzip the download and read the README file.
Place the txt. file in the 'Playgrounds" folder

And place the dance.lnd. in the "Landscape" folder
this is so cool. I leash my creature to the temple, and build a wall around his pen with the stones on the island, speed up the time, and use the giant fish for food. I can leave him for a few hours, and hes grown quite a bit. excelllent idea, thanks very much for the map :)

Click "Download this File".....
If other problems occur, please explain.
I read the readme file. It says to insall the file to /black and white/scripts/playgrounds in the B&W directory, but it wont let me install.
Try to put install it to your desktop then move it to the folder. Hope I helped  :)
It's not letting me do that eaither. I click download file. I press open file. It has a folder that says windows. I click on it and it has a folder that says desktop. I click on that and it has the extreme growth folder. it has dance.lnd, extreme growth file, and the readme file. I don't know what to do now. Help please.
legenedmaster1227 said:
It's not letting me do that eaither. I click download file. I press open file. It has a folder that says windows. I click on it and it has a folder that says desktop. I click on that and it has the extreme growth folder. it has dance.lnd, extreme growth file, and the readme file. I don't know what to do now. Help please.

I think your supposed to put those files in the folder, or is not letting you do that?

Left click on the folder> Properties > Security > To change permissions  EDIT > Users (Your user name here) Click Allow for all.. Full control Modify ect..